Why Should I Consider DIY Stucco Repair?

Stucco is the excellent construction material for many different applications, especially for masonry projects. While it can be used for exterior applications, most people think of stucco being used for interior home applications. There are two main types of stucco; gypsum/mortar based and cement/calcium based. Areas of stucco that have either fallen off or completely cracked must be repaired using a full-scale restoration process, including removing the loose stucco, installing new building material, sanding, and polishing, and applying three successive coats of stucco repair compound.

Stucco Repair

If you have cracked or chipped stucco on your property, it is essential to have a Stucco Repair Jacksonville FL as soon as possible. You don’t want to let this situation grow into something much larger and more costly. In addition, it’s a good idea to repair any damage caused by water infiltration. It is also a good idea to have your stucco remediation inspected for mold, mildew, or bacterial growth.

If the damage is pretty minimal, you can attempt to repair it yourself. However, if it has become much more extensive than just a few chips, it is probably wise to call in a professional stucco remediation company. Not only will they be able to ensure that the repairs are done correctly and to a high standard, but they may also be able to prevent further damage from occurring.

Many times damage is visible only when it has gotten worse. For instance, if small cracks start to widen they can easily turn into large cracks as the water seeps deeper into the surface. Small cracks can often be fixed with a simple patch job. Larger cracks may need to be repaired by a contractor because repairing them on your own could cause even more damage.

Even the most durable bases can wear out over time and become damaged. Prolonged exposure to moisture, cold temperatures or heavy rain can cause these bases to crack, break with a loud bang. In many cases cracked or broken Stucco elements can be seen as water damage because the water penetration was so deep. Typically the Stucco Base Coating is used as a sealant and protects the base coat from weathering. If you were to not have this coating on your exterior walls, then your exterior walls would be exposed to the weathering components themselves.

If your Stucco Base Coat is in good condition then the repair may be relatively easy. The first thing to do is make sure that you are not touching the stucco layers with your bare hands. When you touch the surface with your hands it increases the risk of contamination. Many people like to use their fingernails for repairing stucco because you can easily grind the nails between the layers to create smaller gaps. However, the problem with grinding is that it can also increase the amount of Stucco Damage.

The next step is to contact one of your local DIY Stucco Contractors. If you need the Stucco repairs quickly then they can do the job very quickly without any additional cost. You want to keep in mind however that DIY Stucco Repair may not be the best option for a number of different reasons. For example, if you have a cracked exterior finish then the cracks may have gone too deep and will need to be filled with another type of exterior finish.

If the Stucco Base Coat has not been properly maintained then there are several other things that may need to be addressed in the Stucco Repair. For example, if there is excessive moisture within the structure then the Stucco may be cracked. If the Stucco Base Coat has been cracked then the existing cracks may need to be filled with a new waterproof coating. There are many other factors that come into play when addressing Stucco remediation process.

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